Monday, April 16, 2012

An Old Sharpened Weapon : Myanmar

The problem is persecution, and in this case, of Myanmar Muslims. Indeed, it is an old weapon, certainly good and sharpened weapon too, especially used by Myanmar military intelligence for more than 2 decades.

The anti-Muslim base in Myanmar is no stranger to promoting misinformation about Islam, Muslims and its Prophet. We, Myanmar Muslims believe that these all riots happened and happening have been regarded to absolute political and not related to Buddhist religious teachings anyhow. Similarly, it is such an honest description that the Quran is the first and only religious scripture that commands its adherents -- Muslims -- to protect churches, synagogues and temples from attack and to do so in preference to protecting mosques (22:40-41). Accordingly, in a letter to St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, Prophet Muhammad gave his written oath that Muslims must protect Christian churches and properties until the end of time. He added that should anyone take anything belonging to a Christian, he would break his covenant with God and Prophet Muhammad. Here is the image,

Sadly, the sharpened weapon is still being used in Myanmar and yet the persecution still persists even though government claims that Myanmar is on the track of Democracy.  During this year Water Festival, two mosques were destroyed in Magway and in Pharkant, the two famous towns in two different states. The victims of persecution said in Magway State, there are more than 10 Muslim families and a mosque were severely attacked on 13th April 2012. The riots have been characterized by rampant looting and act of like terrorists. According to unconfirmed sources, the riots in Magway based on Haji Ma Daw Wah Wah's auction won for licensed boats upon the past unrivaled political party, USDP. The mob had destroyed Daw Wah Wah's house and took 8 million Kyats and gold. They also did not fail to completely destroy the mosque in Kanma village.

Another case happened in Pharkant, Myitkyina Division. A place where the muslims fulfill their congregational prayers were destroyed forcibly and illegally on 12 April 2012 by the mob of the extremists including some monks themselves. Surprisingly, the government authority has yet to take action against these riots even though some victims personally went to the police station and reported. And the famous Myanmar medias also yet to publish these news. Without arguing the point in detail, we all realize that there must be certain reason behind as it is mentioned in Myanmar constitution that the military can anytime take the power whereas such kind of riots happened. 

And now for the good news reported on Aung San Su kyi, a famous Noble laureate well said that instead of arguing religious and conscience matters at this time towards constructing a new country, mutual respect and understanding should be taken place. She also commented that religious cases are vulnerable, and therefore try to be tolerate and mutually understandable at this point of time.

So, when our arrogance makes us ignorant to the horror that is Junta reappearance. Recall with humility, then, that conflicts between Buddhist and Muslims killed several innocents and destroyed more than thousand of worshiping places. Hence, enough of misinformation and discrimination. Muslims and Buddhists must actively work together to achieve what both peoples want -- peace. As the Quran says, "There is no compulsion in religion." 

The pictures of anti-Muslim riots

Admittance: there are enough Myanmar articles online regarding this case and I decided to present it for English readers.
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